Northbrook College

HOP has provided both Civil & Structural Engineering input for Northbrook College on their recent 3 phased redevelopment which totalled £25 million of investment.  Phase 1 was based at the Broadwater Campus and included 4 main new buildings: a new double height Entrance Atrium, a 3 Storey Teaching Facility, a Sustainable Construction Classroom and a new ‘Links’ Facility to school 14 -16 year olds for Vocational training.  Phase 2 was again at the Broadwater Campus and included a large new 2 Storey Building housing the Refectory, Staff facilities, some teaching space and a LLDD facility, together with a ‘Street’ linking the campus and new External Courtyard.  Phase 3 included works at both Campuses, with 2 large extension buildings at Durrington and a smaller extension and refurbishment of the Engineering wing at Broadwater.

BIM Modelling

HOP undertook full structural BIM models for all 3 phases, producing all general arrangement details and drawings using Autodesk Revit.

Thermal Mass utilising Concrete Frame

Both Phases 1 & 2 incorporate a concrete frame structure with exposed concrete soffits. The mass of structure was used to benefit the naturally ventilated building and assist with the College’s aspirations for a BREEAM Excellent project.

Geotechnical Profiling and Settlement Analysis

HOP worked alongside the Geotechnical Engineers to scope additional innovative profiling techniques to more accurately understand the ground conditions from those determined during the initial site investigation. Although the additional investigation cost in the region of £6,000, an overall reduction in foundation sizes resulted in an approx. £75,000 saving.

Finite Element RC Design

HOP used their innovative finite element design experience to bring cost savings and efficiencies for the design of the RC flat slab frames. We were able to reduce the reinforcement quantities by 20% on that assumed at Tender and saved £10k’s on reinforcement costs. HOP modelled the complete frames in 3D, and for the later phases, bi-directionally linked these analytical models with the Building Information Model (BIM)

“I have worked with HOP and in particular Adam and his team for the last two projects with a total project duration of near on 5 years. I have always found HOP to be an excellent Consultant to work with collaboratively, for the benefits of all Project Stakeholders including the Client. They approach the job with foresight and take the time and effort to explain their design fully – pointing out the areas where further concentration/attention will be required in the build process”

Principal contractor reference